Filo is a system that decides unification problems formulated in the description logic FL_0. This logic belongs to a family of small description logics with a restrictive expressivity.
In a unification problem in a description logic, we ask for a substitution (computation problem) or an existence of a substitution (decision problem) that makes two or more concepts equivalent.
A description logic EL related to FL_0 has already unification automated in form of the application UEL.
The application FILO is purposefully constructed in a similar way to UEL. This is so because we hope to be able to combine the two in an application that solves problems in the description logic FLE, that is FL_0 + EL.
The first version of FILO is available here.
Description Logics(DLs) are widely used in semantic web technologies and ontology-based data modeling. Automating unification in these logics has potential to facilitate complex reasoning tasks by providing efficient algorithms that determine the unifiability of different expressions. As a result, it can play a crucial role in ontology engineering. It will help to detect redundancies, and optimize large knowledge bases.
FILO is developed using Java and uses OWL API for efficient interaction with OWL ontologies. Furthermore, the project uses Maven for dependency management and build automation. It will simplify the development process and encourage contributions from the open-source community.
For those interested, detailed documentation – including installation instructions, usage examples, and API references – is available on the FILO GitHub repository: FILO repo . Ultimately, we hope that it will be one of the useful tools for researchers and developers working in the field of knowledge representation and reasoning.